About Josh

Josh was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama. Through the godly influence of friends and family, he became a Christian when he was fourteen years old. It was upon leaving those friends and family for college that he began hosting Bible studies in his college apartment, teaching and preaching in area congregations, and studying with neighbors and coworkers.

Through these experiences in college, Josh started to consider full-time ministry. It was then that he decided to stop his college education and take a preaching internship at a congregation in his hometown of Huntsville. In the two years he was there, he developed and refined the skills needed to be an effective communicator and personal worker. Additionally, it was during these two years that he realized his passion was taking the gospel into places where there were abundant people and few faithful churches.

So, in 2013, Josh moved to Atlanta, Georgia, to help start a new local congregation. Six months after moving there, he and Kirby were married. He ministered there as an evangelist for five years.

In 2018, Josh and Kirby moved from Atlanta to San Francisco, California, to focus on evangelism and outreach with the hope of starting a local congregation. In November 2018, Mission Church of San Francisco worshipped together for the first time in Josh and Kirby’s home. They have now been serving here for 6 years!

Josh and Kirby have been married for ten years and have two young children: Ezekiel and Emilia. The four of them like to go for bike rides and play at the many playgrounds in SF. Aside from sharing the gospel, Josh loves to travel, eat delicious food, and watch soccer.